Canadian Dental Association

Practice Support Services Website – Overview

The Practice Support Services website allows dentists and staff to self-manage the office’s CDA services, including CDAnet, ITRANS, CDA Secure Send and the CDA Digital ID. The dentist must first create an account and validate their identity. Once signed in, the dentist can give staff access to the office account, which allows them to manage office information, invite and delete staff, and send patient referrals with CDA Secure Send.

Create your account

If it’s your first time signing in to the CDA Practice Support Services website, you will need to create a username and password.


Use the express code that was sent to your email address to create a username and password and complete the validation process. If you did not receive your express code, call our Practice Support Services Help Desk at 1-866-788-1212 to request one.

Office Staff

Use the express code that was sent to your email address to create a username and password. If you don’t have an express code, the practice owner or office staff with an account can add you to the office account. Once you’ve been added, your express code will be sent to you by email.


Dentist Validation

Creating an account requires completing a validation process.

·         Level 1 validation: To ensure the security of your account, you will be required to answer individual questions. Once you’ve completed the level 1 validation and created a username and password, we will verify your email address.  Complete the email verification and continue with the account setup.

·         Level 2 validation.  You are required to provide a copy of your dental license and a government-issued photo ID. Have digital copies of these documents ready before you begin so they can be uploaded to the website during the process. Once we’ve reviewed the documentation, CDA will send a confirmation email. This video demonstrates the process.


Add Office Staff

Staff can be assigned access to the office account to manage office information, add new dentists, download CDA Digital IDs and send referrals using CDA Secure Send. 

PLEASE NOTE: To protect patient privacy, the Help Desk no longer has access to patient names, addresses, etc. To find a specific claim, the Help Desk will ask for the date of the claim, the insurance company, and the claim office sequence number.

Contact Us

CDA Practice Support Services Help Desk: 1-866-788-1212
(Monday–Friday from 7:30 a.m.– 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time)

Practice Support Services Website – CDA Digital IDs

The CDA Digital ID is an electronic credential used to authenticate the dentist who sends CDAnet e-claims to insurance claim processing companies.

To renew a CDA Digital ID, the individual sending claims must be logged into the computer that sends the claims; this may be a server or it may be a workstation depending on the setup of your software. Note that offices using cloud-based practice management software should contact their vendor to renew a CDA Digital ID. These steps should be completed by each staff member who sends e-claims and include each computer in the office used to send e-claims:

1.    Install the CDA Digital ID Installer

·         Download CDA Digital ID Installer Windows version

·         Download CDA Digital ID Installer Java (Mac) Version


2.    Obtain the Secure Code

·         The dentist or office staff signs into the CDA Practice Support Services website.

·         Click on the “My CDA Digital ID” tab.

·         Read and agree to the terms of the CDA Digital ID Subscriber Agreement.

·         Click on the “install with digital ID installer” button to display the secure code.

·         Highlight and copy the secure code.


3.    Install the CDA Digital ID

·         Open the CDA Digital ID Installer software from the Start Menu (Windows) or Desktop (Mac).

·         Enter or paste the secure code. Click “submit”. Note a separate secure code is required for each computer and user credentials.


What if more than one dentist needs a CDA Digital ID?

A secure code is required for each dentist. There are two approaches to obtaining a secure code(s):

a.    Each dentist signs in separately and retrieves their secure code.

b.    Authorized office staff can retrieve secure codes for all the dentists.


How do I know if the CDA Digital ID is expired?

CDA Digital IDs are valid for two years. CDA will email an expiry notification 30 days prior to the CDA Digital ID expiry date. Once a dentist’s CDA Digital ID expires, they will not be able to send a CDAnet e-claim and will receive an error message from the ITRANS system if they try to send an e-claim.